2014, Number S1
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Mediciego 2014; 20 (S1)
Educational activities system to reinforce the honesty value in students of the First year of Library Science in the technical and professional education career
Rodríguez OBM, Suárez HA, Morales FY
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 83.19 Kb.
The National System of Education is interested in strengthen the values that are in correspondence with its aspirations and it is going to determine a behavior in the citizen life,
qualities and individual characteristics that correspond to these social interests, as it knows, the values by the social character that represents possess double significance, that´s why the problem of investigation is: how to contribute to the strengthening of the honesty value in the first year students of “Daniel Rivero” Polytechnic? The objective was to elaborate a system of educational activities to contribute to the strengthening of the honesty value in the students. The methods and techniques of the empirical level used were: observation, documents review, survey to students and interview to professors. Inside the statistical method it was used the percentage analysis. The population was constituted by the totality of the first year students of the Library Science career, an intentional probabilistic sampling was used to work with a sample of 18
students. The realization of the pre experiment showed that the educational activities system is effective and contributes to the strengthening of the honesty value in the selected students.
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