2014, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2014; 21 (3)
Use of Emergency Contraception in a Group of Female University Students
Cárdenas-García LJ, Sánchez-Zamora ME, Ramírez-de la Roche OF, Robledo-Domínguez A
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 90-93
PDF size: 233.08 Kb.
Objective: to identify the use of emergency
contraception (ec) on a group of female
university students (fus).
Material and
methods: descriptive and cross-sectional
study with non-random sample. In 2009, it
was made a pilot test with 44 users; the final
instrument was applied between August
2009 and April 2010 to 107 students from
the Ciudad Universitaria campus of the
National Autonomous University of Mexico,
unam. The information was processed using
the spss program.
Results: the ages of
girls requesting more ec were between 19
and 21 years; 87% said to know its use. In
the six previous months 27.1% had used
once ec; 15% used it on two occasions. The
contraceptive method used by 8 of every 10
students was the condom.
Conclusions: the
frequency of the use of the ec indicates that
the University students use it as if it were a
sequential method of birth control, which
could lead to damage their health, as well as
a greater number of unplanned pregnancies
due to hormonal imbalances.
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