2012, Number 1
Risk analysis of genetically modified biotechnological products
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 111-119
PDF size: 64.53 Kb.
There has been an important flow of disinformation about the use of Biotechnology and DNA recombinant technology, as the result of the interests of manufacturing companies, criteria of environmentalist organizations, and above all, the lack of knowledge regarding this scientific area. However, every process for distributing a new product obtained with these technologies implies its approval for safe use and consumption by human beings. The process of approval of the “new” product goes through several toxicological, environmental, and safety tests, along with analysis of its nutritional composition, among others; which are required to pass. In the particular case of a genetically modified product or foodstuff, there has to exist also a safeguard that it has satisfactorily passed all the required tests when compared with its non-transgenic counterpart, as well as to show also that transgenic crops are “substantially equivalent” to the traditional ones. The present work presents, briefly, norms and directives aimed to control possible risk that genetically modified organisms used as foodstuffs might pose for human health, and their interaction with the environment.REFERENCES
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