2011, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2011; 10 (1)
Acute ventricular dysfunction in the myocardial acute infarction
Rubiera JR, Lara NA, Vilardebo RMA
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 2068-2082
PDF size: 185.85 Kb.
Introduction: The acute ventricular dysfunction is a well known complication of Acute Coronary Syndrome falling into negatively in morbidity and mortality.
Objective: To analyze the behavior of the cardiac insufficiency in patients diagnosed with myocardial acute infarction.
Method: A retrospective study was conducted in 149 patients admitted in the Intensive Therapy Unit and in Emergency Room of the “Comandante Piti Fajardo” Hospital from January, 2008 to June, 2009. The statistical analysis was based on the descriptive statistic techniques, using measure units in number end percentage. When it was necessary the Chi
2 test was carried out, the Yates’s correlation or the Fisher’s exact test.
Results: In the analysis of risk factors there was predominance of dyslipemia for a 94,6 % (n = 141), followed by HTA for a 91.9 % (n= 137) and diabetes mellitus for a
77.8 % (n = 116). The AMI of the lower face prevails with a 53 % (n = 80). Total of patients with less than 12 hours of total ischemia time had thrombolytic treatment en ‹ 6 hours. There was a mortality of 14.7 % (n = 22) with a total of discharged alive patients of 85.2 % (n= 127), the 79,9 % (n = 119) of the Killip-Kimball Class (KK) I were discharged alive, only a 1.3 % (n = 2) deceased.
Conclusions: There was predominance of male patients aged over 71 with KK III and IV, as well as the HTA and the dyslipemia as the more relevant pathological backgrounds. In the severe ways of ICC III and IV were more frequent the AMI of lower face with extension to the right ventricle, followed by the AMI anterior extent. The cardiac insufficiency In the AMI is associated with a less use of STK and a ischemia total time greater than 12 hours. The mortality increases in the more severe ways of cardiac insufficiency.
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