2012, Number 1
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Cuba y Salud 2012; 7 (1)
The criteria of Cuban experts on medical prescriptions based on scientific evidence
Alonso CL, García MAJ, López PP, Serrano PAC, Toledo FAM, Álvarez CA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 18-23
PDF size: 704.83 Kb.
Objective: To describe the opinion of experts in clinical and management areas about the prescription and
understanding based on evidence about pharmacotherapy.
Method: A qualitative study was performed during the second semester of the year 2009. The opinions of 15 experts through 2 focus groups (expert non-prescribers and expert prescribers) of 7 to 8 members were evaluated. The information was analyzed and classified by the authors in significant units.
Results: It can be said both groups of doctors and other health professionals are not well informed about this
topic and the majority do not know what evidence-based medicina is. The formation of this material should “be
shared since pre-studies and continue into the levels of specialization”.
Conclusions: Experts consider that the scarce knowledge of evidence-based medicine and the difficult access to scientific information conspire against the use of scientific evidence during the act of prescribing. In a general sense differences exist between the criteria of experts in both groups.
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