2012, Number 1
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Cuba y Salud 2012; 7 (1)
The principal ophthalmological conditions detected via active surveying in the Uruguayan population
Pérez GH, García CY, Frómeta SI
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 12-17
PDF size: 626.24 Kb.
Objective: To determine the principal ophthalmological conditions present in the Uruguayan population during the period of 2009-2010.
Method: A transverse descriptive observational study was performed in “Jose Marti” Eye Hospital, in Uruguay, during the period of 2009-2010. Active surveying techniques were used to investigate a population of 43,702 people. The sample consisted of 20,340 patients where an ophthalmological condition was detected. The surveying was systematic and previously coordinated; it relied on the patients’ availability and willingness to participate in the project. condition were determined, and were registered in a data base created with the help of Microsoft Excel, 2007.
Results: Patients between the ages of 61-80 (54.1%) were most common, followed by those above 80 years of age
(22.8%); the figure for women with ophthalmological conditions doubled that of men (66.9% and 33.1%, respectively). In order of frequency, the conditions that were detected were: cataracts, refractive defects or ametropias, glaucoma, pterygium and retinal conditions. In some patients it was observed that cataracts were associated to glaucoma and vice versa.
Conclusions: Cataracts, refractive defects and glaucoma were the most frequently identified conditions in the Uruguayan population during the analyzed period, and were most common in persons of advanced age.
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