2011, Number 3
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Arch Med Fam 2011; 13 (3)
Performance Assessment in Undergraduate Teaching: Implementation of Three Strategies
Martínez-González A, Fortoul VT, Urrutia AME
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 101-110
PDF size: 279.26 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the performance by three strategies for teachers of undergraduate teaching, likewise compare the results of the
strategies implemented.
Material and Methods: A longitudinal, comparative and paired, which considered three strategies for teaching
evaluation in different phases. Teacher evaluation and opinion of students, teacher evaluation of self-evaluation, teacher evaluation by
differences in the multiple-choice exams average percentage of correct admission vs discharge (PPAI vs. PPAE for their name in
Spanish). Including 16 professors were the subject of Cell and Tissue Biology professor who taught medical students at 463 generation
Results: The integration of the three assessments provide a more complete picture of the teacher by not only the views of
students or self-assessment, but also the student body of knowledge acquired in the interaction with the teacher, which is reflected in a
higher percentage of hits in the course evaluations at discharge analyzed.
Conclusions: The integration of the three Strategies the Gave us
a more complete picture of the quality of teacher performance. Apparently the strategy Percentage of correct answers average is more
Objective Compared to the other two. The good teacher is a role model, because can change the future of their students. The Importance
of the teacher requires us to developer tools and strategies to evaluate objectively and comprehensively.
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