2014, Number 2
University students with low academic performance, what can be done?
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 272-278
PDF size: 104.05 Kb.
The academic performance of students constitutes one of the indicators of greater consensus in approaching the quality of higher education, and it is related with concepts such as academic excellence and school effectiveness. Universities require a whole system of psychological and pedagogical actions in order to ensure a satisfactory progress of the students with the curriculums, and also that their graduates achieve an integral academic training with high educative quality. The factors or variables that influence in the academic performance are diverse, and they correspond with multiple interactions, such as intelligence, motivation, personality, attitudes, contexts, among others. Taking all of these into account, this article deals with reflections about these variables with incidence in the academic performance, and proposes actions of intervention for the pedagogical and psychological work of the teacher staff.REFERENCES
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