2014, Number 2
Curricular strategy of Traditional and Natural Medicine in the studies of Psychology of Health
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 184-198
PDF size: 181.02 Kb.
Background: Natural and Traditional Medicine (NTM), in the studies of Psychology of Health as a curricular strategy, contributes to the training of skills in the students in these therapeutic techniques.Methods: a research project with a qualitative approach was done at the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences during the 2012-2013 academic year, with the purpose of designing a curricular strategy in order to implement the NTM in the studies of Psychology of Health. Theoretical methods were used: historic-logic, analysis-synthesis; and empirical: documentary analysis, questionnaire to teachers and students, class observation guides, non-participant observation of consultations in education at work, a semistructured interview to ten specialists, and percentage analysis of the results.
Results: it was verified that NTM is not approached as a curricular strategy in the teaching activities of the studies of Psychology of Health. Because of this, a curricular strategy of NTM was designed, based on the deficiencies detected, and the documents that were consulted.
Conclusions: the diagnosis done allowed to know the lack of a strategy for the implementation of this content in the studies of Psychology of Health. Because of this, a curricular strategy was designed, and it was submitted to the criteria of specialists, and a positive assessment was obtained in relation with its quality and pertinence, taking into account the following features: coherence, updating, transcendence and pedagogical and scientific value.
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