2014, Number 1
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Ortho-tips 2014; 10 (1)
Compressive neuropathy of the radial nerve
Zermeño RJJ, Clifton CJF, Navarro BE, López AL, Villarruel SJÁ, Espinosa de los Monteros KAF, Gutiérrez MI, Lozano RJC
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 19-25
PDF size: 121.41 Kb.
Syndrome idiopathic radial nerve entrapment is rare, representing approximately 0.7% of non-traumatic injuries of the upper extremity. The most common site of entrapment of the radial nerve is at the proximal edge of the supinator arcade Frohse thereby affecting the posterior interosseous nerve (PIN), motor branch of the radial nerve. The clinical diagnosis is often difficult because of the overlapping symptoms especially when there is associated epicondylitis. Additional tests are needed to make a correct differential diagnosis. The electrophysiological study, electromyogram, is the best method to locate PIN lesions. Conservative treatment options include observation in partial lesions, non-progressive and not related to a tumor. Suggested observation periods ranging from 4 to 12 weeks. Surgical treatment is indicated in cases that do not respond to conservative treatment and where there are tumors, in addition to resect the tumor should be performed decompression of any structure that can compress the nerve. Surgery should also be considered in cases of inveterate dislocation of the radial head or in cases of articular synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis.
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