2014, Number 1
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2014; 61 (1)
Clinical laboratory contribution to patient safety
Barba EJR
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 11-23
PDF size: 553.42 Kb.
Talking about quality today in day doesn’t sole apply to industrial processes that are translated in the obtaining of a material object with determining characteristic, since if we applied at the clinical environment, it refer to the sanitary attention of a patient avoiding errors and that it bear to an environment of security during the process being in benefit of the sick person. It is certain that in order to arrive to this degree of quality in the attention, it are required change forms of thinking and therefore of acting that it undoubtedly have been demonstrated along the time that the possibility of coming adverse events it are always present and the damage to the patient although cause of way not intentional, the reality is that the omission and/ or excesses in the application for example of diagnostics tests returns intentional. The clinical laboratory is part of this sanitary environment and it therefore is subject to errors which could be avoidable in a high percentage. The present article has how object indicate the importance of the clinical laboratory in the care of the patient.
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