2014, Number 1
Evaluación de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes sobre el proceso de enfermería
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 13-18
PDF size: 107.79 Kb.
Introduction: The nursing process is a methodology of the discipline of nursing. Its applicati on requires knowledge, skills and atti tudes. As there are just a few studies on this matt er, this study is important.Objective: To assess knowledge, skills and atti tudes that determine the applicati on of the nursing process in a professional nursing health insti tuti on in Mérida, México.
Methodology: Cross-secti onal and descriptive study, in which it was used as instrument the “Aplicación del Proceso de Enfermería 2008 en Insti tuciones de Salud (APEIS 08)” [Applicati on of the Nursing Process 2008 (APEIS 08)] to a sample of 387 nurses of a health institution.
Results: In regards to knowledge, the mean was 5.48, which indicated a low level. The majority of nurses (76.7 %) showed a greater knowledge in regards to assessment, the group yielded a mean of 3.71 ± 1.01, which categorizes the group level as medium. The highest skill of the sample (mean of 4.62 ± 0.71) was on assessment of the pati ent’s needs, and 22 % of the sample showed a positi ve atti tude.
Conclusions: The knowledge of the nursing staff was found at a low level; however, on the evaluati on stage the staff demonstrated greater knowledge of its implementati on. Their ability to implement the nursing process had a medium level, and on the stage of assessment they demonstrated a greater ability. Their atti tudes in the implementati on of the nursing process were positi ve. It may be concluded that knowledge and skills can be improved through training programs.
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