2014, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2014; 25 (1)
Bibliometric characteristics of articles on hospital management published in high impact journals
Maria BI, Zanievicz SM
Language: Portugués
References: 79
Page: 36-65
PDF size: 2449.12 Kb.
The goal of this study is to describe bibliometric characteristics of articles on hospital management published in high-impact journals in the field of accounting, with a longitudinal study from 2000 to 2011. Bibliometric survey, based on the Laws of Lotka, Zipf, and Bradford, with quantitative approach, was conducted through document analysis, searching the entire text for the words hospital and
healthcare in the top ten high-impact journals in the field of accounting, according to
Journal Citacion Report (JCR). The results show that
Leslie G. Eldenburg stands out for the volume of articles published and that
Sanjay Kallapur,
Naomi Soderstrom and her are those who constituted the largest number of connections among the authors. In the application of the bibliometric laws, the production is concentrated in a few authors, whose centrality gets closer to the established in Lotka's Laws. Regarding the study of the references contained in the sample investigated, Bradford's Law and the literature lifetime was similar to the theoretical model described in the bibliometric literature. Contrary to the expectations regarding the selected journals, for the subject under consideration, it is concluded that the journals in the field of accounting with the highest impact in JCR are not on the ones that are relevant to the study of the topic, perhaps indicating that accounting is not giving the due emphasis to studies on hospital organizations. The results indicate the need for further bibliometric research, expanding the period of analysis and the number of journals for possible explanations for this study's findings.
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