2013, Number 3
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Investigación en Discapacidad 2013; 2 (3)
Multisensorial stimulation by video games and its implications on math skills
Arch-Tirado E, Lino-González AL, Verduzco-Mendoza A, Alfaro-Rodríguez A, Licona-Bonilla J
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 110-116
PDF size: 176.80 Kb.
Video games are currently a part of daily life of children. Access is easy since they are available on mobile phones, hand-held devices, computers and sophisticated consoles providing the possibility of constant daily use. Video games may influence the development of cognitive abilities that enhance mathematical skills. An analytical and observational cross-sectional study was carried out in 13 male and female children attending fourth grade of elementary school. A written test involving mathematical problems which included the four basic operations was applied. Subsequently, children interacted with a computer game where they had to solve new additions. In order to avoid bias related to the video games used, same grade children of a private school were selected, whenever they guaranteed good academic performance. The mean scores obtained in the written test was 9.31 ± 0.95 with a range of 3 points. The whole group, with the exception of one child, scored between 9 and 10 points, demonstrating a homogeneous group on abilities for videogames and mathematics. Average time-span recorded for children resolving software exercises was 4.91 ± 1.72 minutes, with an average error of 3 ± 2.77. By applying the χ
2 no significant difference was found between the score obtained in the game and the test score, yielding χ
2 = 6.8783, p ‹ 0.05. It is likely that the use of video games stimulates the development of skills involved in mathematical processing; therefore, it might be important for parents and teachers to identify the potential beneficial effects of video games from a multisensory stimulation point of view.
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