2013, Number 3
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2013; 12 (3)
Adult everyday with colon cancer
Ponce GG, Victoria MFML
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 134-140
PDF size: 209.54 Kb.
Introduction: Having cancer is transformed into an experience of life, diagnosis reached in life drastically break, breaking
the spheres of everyday life and of the identity of the person and the family living with him.
Material and methods:
A qualitative study based on four depth interviews (so far) to adults with colon cancer, with the aim of deepening the
everyday of their lives and make contributions to the theoretical basis of nursing care to these people and their families.
Results: Participants, social networks are significant, however shine knowing the suffering of cancer patients and have a
colostomy. Looking feel active, bodily aspects of time and space are priorities between their needs and want to minimize
adverse effects and symptoms of their treatments.
Discussion: These situations of instability and the need for support,
education and support are the ones to be used by nurses to be a therapeutic tool.
Conclusions: A warm care is in the
hands of nurses, to maintain quality care allows the person in need of our care, live longer and happy in their work and
family environment.
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