2012, Number 3
A strategy of an educational intervention in Type -2 diabetic old people
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 109-119
PDF size: 304.02 Kb.
Type-2 diabetes mellitus affects old popula tion frequently, and it is necessary to educate this population. This research paper was aimed at showing that the design and implementation in the doctor's office -1 of an educational intervention, increases the level of knowledge about the disease in the elderly suffering from type-2 diabetes mellitus. This quasi -experimental research took the period from February 1st to June 1st 2011. The study group included 59 diabetic patients belonging to this doctor's office, the sample was chosen appropriately from diabetic patients having inclusion criteria (n=51). Data obtained were processed following the descriptive statistic methods. With the application of the individual strategy more than 94% improved their level of knowledge regarding the functions of insulin in the organism, characteristics, and main risk factors, symptoms of type -2 diabetes mellitus and criteria of control to the diabetic patients. Healthy lifestyle awareness was optimized concerning diet and physical exercises. The elderly population belonging to Doctor's Office -1 who suffer from type -2 diabetes mellitus improved knowledge about the disease increasing this way the quality of life.REFERENCES
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