2013, Number 2
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Evid Med Invest Salud 2013; 6 (2)
Audiology evaluations in neonates. Are otoacustic emissions to detec hearing loss in healthy newborn infants helpful?
Berlanga BÓM, Sotelo OE, Trejo MV, Segura CM, Gónzalez HSE, Rivera VP, Salinas TJ
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 41-46
PDF size: 311.16 Kb.
Hearing is the mechanism through which a persona reaches the ability to speak a language, so it is mandatory to detect hearing loss by screening infants since neonatal period to six months of age in order to give them rehabilitation and assure better life conditions.
Objetive: Hearing screening of evoked otoacoustic emissions were made in healthy newborn infants to prove their efficiency in detecting hearing loss.
Method: A descriptive, trasversal and observational study was held at a second level hospital. Otoread evoked otoacoustic emissions were done. SPSS program V.16.0 and X test made to analyza data.
Results: 1,872 newborns were studied, 909(48.5%) females, and 963 (51.44%) males; mean weight of 3,312.20 g. 73% were normal hearing babies; 27% presented hearing loss. There were no stadistic difference in sex, weight and affected ear. More studies are required to confirm the utility of Otoread detect hearing loss in healthy newborns.
Conclusions:The system OtoRead of transient otoacoustic emissions, detected as abnormal left ear in 5.2% of cases, right ear in 5.12%, and both ears in 17.3%. Further studies are needed to confirm the utility the OtoRead System in detecting hearing loss in healthy newborns, which we will do in Phase II of this work.
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