2012, Number 2
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Rev Mex AMCAOF 2012; 1 (2)
Hearing loss-deafness and its relationship with low birth weight in Mexico and some other countries
Peñaloza-López YR, García-Pedroza F, Castillo-Maya G, Jiménez-Pérez JA
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 82-89
PDF size: 110.15 Kb.
Introduction. Hearing loss-deafness and its relationship with low birth weight in Mexico and some other countries.
Objective. To emphasize
that low birth weight (LBW) is a factor related with congenital hearing loss, and that there are other important issues in the social and economic
context, that need to be considered in Mexico and in other countries.
Material and methods. Analysis and discussion of several papers about
LBW and its relationship with congenital hearing loss. On the basis of national and international data on disease incidence morbidity and mortality
rate, we describe the frequency of LBW and other indicators in some countries of the American continent and other world zones. We also
comment about the social and economic issues and the possible influence they may have on children’s health.
Results. There is a relationship
between LBW and hearing loss in patients seen in a highly specialized hospital, although this may not be applicable for the general population.
Of the series of clinical cases analyzed, it was clear that there is an association between LBW and other factors like exposure to ototoxic drugs and
a long stay in an intensive care unit. The literature shows that LBW can be an independent variable to determine hearing loss in children, which is a very
frequent pathologic condition. Social and economic issues that have an impact on this problem are discussed.
Conclusion. It is necessary for the
authorities in Health to generate attention strategies and politics oriented to solve both congenital hearing loss related with LBW, and to create
prevention plans to solve this problem.
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