2013, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2013; 51 (2)
Characterization of overburdening and coping styles in the informal care of dependent patients
Pérez JD, Rodríguez SA, Herrera TDM, García RR, Echemendía TB, Chang RM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 174-183
PDF size: 110.07 Kb.
Introduction: resources and strategies are elements the caregiver has to try to
weaken the possible impact of caregiving situation.
Methods: a transversal descriptive study was conducted with the objective to
characterize overburdening and coping styles of informal caregivers in "Héroes de
Girón" health area, Cerro municipality. A survey was applied which included
Caregiver Burden Interview and COPE questionnaire.
Results: overburdening was present in the 47, 6 % of caregivers. Women
represented the 90 % of this, and it fell in the age group of 60 years or older
(50 %), married (50 %), technicians (30 %) those who cared most hours (63.6 %)
and those who had not participated in any educational program (95 %). The most
frequent coping styles used by caregivers were: acceptance (3.70), active coping
(3.53) and positive reframing (3.01). The most frequently used coping style was
the active behavioral one (3.23).
Conclusions: overburdening is present in slightly less than half of caregivers, it
predominates in women, in the age group of 60 years and older, in intermediate
levels, in married people, people who care more than 12 hours and in those who
have not participated in any educative program. The most used coping styles are
the active ones directed to solve the problems which arise with care, regardless the
age, sex and educational level.
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