2013, Number 3
Epistemic foundations to approaching to “disability” as an identity of difference historically produced
Cúpich ZJ, Paredes MM
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1056-1074
PDF size: 214.55 Kb.
Psychoanalysis poses a sui generis of the human eye. The Freudian inquiries about the knowledge of biological, social, historic, etc. inspired to rethink the status of disabled body and mind. It is our purpose deconstruct historically speeches that established the term disability as qualifying and discriminatory regard and relate to the difference. We want to show other perspectives that fertilizing with new questions and launching new looks and unknowns to the problems of special education, integration and Inclusion in its relationship with the 'disabilities'. We consider that integration and inclusion named, so refer to the paradigms of a great positivity, mask the artificial opposition between the desirable and the abject; the term disability refers by his radical - dis-, to an alteration, problem, or involvement of the capacity that is product of a historic building, it is a term that connotes a negative sense and which necessarily refers to an individual, person, subject; It is hardly referred to disability in the animal or plant kingdoms. Therefore and input the term disability ago cufflink with a subject that gives it a position of emergency, by a difference that awarded a separation of origin in relation to others.REFERENCES