2013, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2013; 10 (2)
Positive psychological factors in the alcoholic abstinence on a group of rehabilitated alcoholic individuales
López RD, Alonso ÁA, García PH
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 117.36 Kb.
Objectives: to characterize the specific positive psychological factors in the alcoholic abstinence
on a group of rehabilitated alcoholic individuals; to characterize the personality self regulators
mechanisms of the abstinent individuals (motivational system, self assessment and temporal
dimension); to identify the difference between abstinent individual and consumers according to
the study variable.
Methods: a non experimental design, transversal and descriptive- qualitative research was
carried out. The questionnaire of Factors, Interview and the psychological tests Register of
Activities and Direct and Indirect Methods and Dembo – Rubenstein Self –Assessment Scale were
Results: there were found differences between both groups according to the categories of study
and a prevalence of positive factors in the alcoholic abstinence on the group of alcoholic individual,
meanwhile on the group of consumers the risks of the abstinence prevailed.
Conclusions: the personality self regulators mechanisms of the abstinent individuals are:
optimism before complex situations, positive self assessment towards emotional self control,
temporal dimension, useful use of time, awareness of the disease, trust on rehabilitation therapy,
they do not believe that they are able to consume alcohol with control, they believe in God or in a
Superior Divinity Power, they develop moral principles, they become stable with their couple and
also with their work´s duties, they become liable with other alcoholic individuals, they are able
to make plans for the future and to have a good disposition, they also have a regular participation
to Anonym Alcoholic Groups or to Psychotherapy Groups among other characteristics.
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