2011, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2011; 14 (2)
Transnactional migration, place and ownership sense in Chalco– solidarity valley (State of Mexico)
Mendoza PC
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 334-360
PDF size: 313.34 Kb.
The main proposal on this article is a geographic point of view
for the study of the transnational migration in a municipality of
recent creation, Valle de Chalco–Solidaridad, located at the
Metropolitan Area of Mexico City. This text uses the new
mobilities paradigm, a very new explanation in the field of
cultural geography, to visualize and try to understand the
complexity and the sort of mobility generated in the population
under study. For the discussion over the sort of mobility the text
recovers the role of the subject, in the sense that searches the
socio demographic characteristics of the people who choose
migrate and, eventually, build transnational social spaces
between Mexico and United States of America. At last, this
article is focused on the territorial identities and remarks its
importance to understand the migratory processes with
transnational roots in Valle de Chalco–Solidaridad. The main
argument is that the construction of the settlement and the
identification with it, are important resources to understand
these processes.
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