2013, Number 2
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AbanicoVet 2013; 3 (2)
Influence of environmental factors on productive preweaning performance of Rambouillet lambs
González-Anaya A, Ochoa-Cordero MA, Torres-Hernández G, Díaz-Gómez MO, González-Camacho JM
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 31-38
PDF size: 297.66 Kb.
Birth and weaning weights, as well as preweaning average daily gain of 55 Rambouillet
lambs managed under confined conditions were analyzed, in order to evaluate the
influence of number of lambing (1, 2, 3+), type of birth (single, twin), and sex of lamb
(male, female) on the above variables. The study was carried out at the Sheep Unit,
Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México. Weaning of
lambs was practiced at 12 weeks of age. An analysis of variance was performed for the
three variables utilizing for each one a model of fixed effects by means of the PROC
GLM of SAS. Overall least-squares means for birth and weaning weights, and average
daily gain were 4.7±1.1, 17.9±2.6, and 0.235±0.04 kg, respectively. Birth weight was
influenced by number of lambing (p≤0.05) and type of birth (p≤0.01); ewes with 1 and 3+
lambings had heavier lambs (4.9±1.1 and 4.8±1.0 kg, respectively) than those with 2
lambings (4.4±1.1 kg), whereas lambs born as singles were heavier at birth (5.1±0.8 kg)
than those born as twins (4.1±0.9 kg). Type of birth influenced both weaning weight and
average daily gain (p≤0.01); lambs born as singles had the highest weaning weight and
average daily gain (19.6&3177;3.3 and 0.258±0.001 kg) than those born as twins (16.5±3.7
and 0.0203±0.002 kg). There were no interactions between the different variables
analyzed. It is concluded that it is necessary to take these factors into consideration in
order to utilized them as selection criteria in genetic improvement programs of
Rambouillet sheep.
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