2011, Number 1
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2011; 12 (1)
Skull base meningiomas. Natural history and classifications
López FG, Samblas GJ, Gutiérrez-Díaz JA, Bustos PSJC, Sallabanda DK
Language: Spanish
References: 62
Page: 38-49
PDF size: 440.19 Kb.
Classifications for grouping and differencing of skull
base meningiomas are reviewed as well as the natural
history of these basal tumors. We describe the most
common methods used for classify these tumors, where
the most useful reference for classification is the origin
location of the tumor. It is sometimes not possible to
localize the origin of the meninigiomas because they
become to be too large and extensive along the skull
base, particularly when they are in the cavernous sins
and petroclival regions. There are other clinicalradiologic
aspects that are not routinely used that
could help to distinguish tumors from similar origin but
with different behavior, prognosis and morbid-mortality.
Incidental diagnosis, in relation with the availability of
neuroimaging technology, will be giving new
information about the natural history of these common
tumors. The proper use of these classifications as well
as the detail description of the tumoral volume, will
allow a better evaluation of the efficacy and safety of
the current therapeutic procedures.
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