2005, Number 4
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2005; 52 (4)
Human leptospirosis: Natural history, diagnosis and treatment
Carrada-Bravo T
Language: Spanish
References: 55
Page: 246-256
PDF size: 239.09 Kb.
Different serovars of pathogenic
Leptospira interrogans are responsible for leptospirosis, a bacterial zoonosis of worldwide dimensions. Human leptospirosis results from contact with water, soil and food contaminated with the urine of leptospiruric rats, dogs, pigs and other animals. Mobile
Leptospira enter through broken skin and mucosal surfaces causing an acute systemic disease characterized by abrupt onset of fever, myalgias, severe headache, conjunctival suffusion. Clinical manifestations of the disease are not pathognomonic, therefore, leptospirosis is frequently misdiagnosed. Most human infections are mild and anicteric. However 5 to 30 percent of severe icteric cases may be fatal, largely due to haemorrhagic complications, aseptic meningitis and renal failure (Weil’s syndrome). The pathology associated with leptospirosis is the consequence of damage to small blood vessels and immune complex tissue’s reactions. However, leptospiras multiply within the renal convoluted tubules and are shed in the urine, reaching densities of 10
7 per milliliter in rats, dogs and some wild infected animals. A definite diagnosis requires either the demonstration of
L. interrogans in clinical specimen, seroconversion, or a four fold rise in titer of agglutinating antibodies. Therapy with penicillins and doxicycline is most efficacious if initiated during the first days of the infection. Animals vaccination, rodent control, and human vaccination in “high-risk groups”, and public’s education are important and effective method of disease prevention. This paper contains a short review of leptospirosis’ epidemiology in the Mexican Republic.
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