2013, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (2)
Depresion and anxiety as indicators of mental heatlh problems in Salvadorian people
Gutiérrez QJR, Portillo GCB
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 533-557
PDF size: 242.21 Kb.
In El Salvador, such information of the Ministry of Health, as the result of empirical research, shows that anxiety and depression are the two most prevalent mental disorders in the population of El Salvador. This article is the summary of a study recently presented in the year of 2011 by Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador (Technological University of El Salvador), titled “Affective Disorder Incidence: Depression and Anxiety in the Mental Health of Salvadorian people.”. In this article we are attempting to: 1). Determine the incidence of depression and anxiety regarding genre and place of residence (urban, rural) of the population of El Salvador and 2). Establish whether there are significant differences in depression and anxiety regarding genre and place of residence of the population of El Salvador. It is an ex post facto study with a retrospective design. We used a probabilistic sampling by conglomerates at the national level in a sample of 1,209 people of 1,209 people, and the average age of 33.57. The total was (
TD= 11.34), of this total, 634 (52.5%) are women and 574 (47.5%) are men. In this study, the survey technique of poll and the General health questionnaire (GHQ-28) were used as instruments of evaluation, which has adequate psychometric properties in El Salvador to measure the variables studied. Some results are: a large number of Salvadorians shows one or more symptoms of anxiety, more than half of sample exhibits symptoms of anxiety. There are statistically significant differences between men and women, being the women who present a greater number of symptoms. The social variables as: area of residence and schooling, associated with the incidence of depression and anxiety in El Salvador.
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