2013, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (2)
Aplication of camcog's scale in demetia's assessment: analysis of cases
Domínguez OME
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 458-475
PDF size: 336.69 Kb.
The Dementia process's diagnosis in elderly people is organized through different steps: since the beginning with the cognitive impairment's suspicion and the use of cognitive screening tests, even the use of a complete neuropsychological battery's test selected especially for all cognitive functions with the aim to identify different types of dementia, through the differential diagnosis of patients. The cognitive screening test are very used because of its brief application and because it can define if an elderly people have dementia risk's symptoms. For an assessment of cognitive functions more exhaustive, must be used at least an intermediate test, that it can be used in the following intervention´s planning. In this article it's showed the application of Camcog's scale from CAMDEX-R test (López Pousa, 2003) like a brief intermediate test in dementia's diagnosis. Concretely, the neuropsychological assessment realized to two cases with moderate cognitive impairment is provided, as well as, their profile's analysis and their corresponding report. Moreover, the application of additional correction's criteria for some Camcog's items like Clock's drawing test (CDT) and Semantic verbal fluency (SVF), are incorporated.
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