2013, Number 2
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2013; 42 (2)
Development and perspectives of mental health in Cuba
Peña GLY, Clavijo PA, Casas RL, Fernández CY, Bermudez SO, Ventura VRE
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 221-234
PDF size: 233.45 Kb.
We present the development of mental health in Cuba and the factors that have
contributed to it. We propose to work towards a new paradigm in health and disease
processes, making emphasis on a forgotten aspect: Health. We also expect to develop
a new humanist culture and even a new social model for the protection of people's
health. We explain a proposal for social development in Cuban mental health. This
social sanitary concept has allowed the systematic analysis of the problems in which
all sectors of the community participate, identify these problems and face any
situation that slow down the achievements of the basic mainstays of the system and
the mental health services with courage and intelligence. It has also allowed the
institutions to be determined and accessible and that the population fells satisfied with
the promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services. We conclude that
the proposal for the social development of mental health in Cuba takes into account
the demands and the humanist, ethic and philosophical foundations as the main basis
for its development, and its practical and didactic application.
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