2013, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2013; 51 (1)
Climate change and national defense in Cuba
González DC, González DE, Cruz DC
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 52-63
PDF size: 62.23 Kb.
Many are the ways in which climate change may affect human health. Therefore,
mitigation measures should cover a wide range of potential negative effects. A
number of forecasts have been developed in Cuba about the way in which climate
change may directly or indirectly affect health and the living conditions of the
population as well as the degree of deterioration to be expected. Based on such forecasts, legal instruments have been created which include actions aimed at
mitigating the impact of such environmental alterations. These instruments have
been carefully designed and contingency plans have been developed to reduce the
damaging effect of adverse environmental phenomena on the country's human and
material resources, an essential component of the national defense policy. It is the
authors' opinion that there is a correspondence between the forecasts and the
potential negative impact of climate change on the national territory, with a number
of measures based on the country's vulnerabilities and aimed at mitigating the
adverse effects of climate change events.
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