2013, Number 3
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AMC 2013; 17 (3)
Survival of dental implants between the first and the second surgical phase
Macías HDR, Morán DLS, Rincón RDP, Tobón HÁM, Ardila MCM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 278-288
PDF size: 133.40 Kb.
Background: one of the main goals of oral implantology is to attain the initial cicatrization, which is a definitive factor in the survival of dental implants.
Objective: to determine the state of survival of dental implants collocated in patients that assisted to the Cooperative University of Colombia between June and December, 2011.
Method: a cross-sectional study was conducted. The sample included 59 dental implants in 15 patients with the objective of analyzing the variables related to the upper jaw: anatomical place, type of incision, design and diameter, length of the implants, radiographic appearance, and mobility of the implants; as well as the presence of pain during the evaluation of the installed implants. The medium time of survival of the implants was described through the Kaplan-Meier method.
Results: fifty-nine implants were evaluated in 15 patients with an average age of 54 years; the 60 % of the implants were installed in female patients. The 50.85 % installed implants were found in the upper jaw and the 49.15 % in the lower jaw. The 96.6 % were installed in patients with partial loss of the teeth; the 3.4 % were in total edentulous patients. The survival of the implants for upper jaw was of a 96.6 %, and for the lower jaw of a 93.1 %.
Conclusions: in the present study, the survival of dental implants was high; some failures occurred during the first months of cicatrization.
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