2012, Number 1
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Rev Esp Cienc Salud 2012; 15 (1)
Articulation of consonants in dental malocclusion
Orozco CL, Moreno MW, Sánchez GCL, Álvarez HÁF, Cardoso GMA, Moreno BGM
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 26-29
PDF size: 119.50 Kb.
Dyslalia is a disorder of speech articulation caused by a malfunction of the articulators when the child has to pronounce a phoneme, either by the absence of some sound or by the insertion, distortion or substitution of one phoneme by another. For this reason purpose of the study is to identify the consonants that are related to malocclusion Angle agreement. We performed an epidemiological study classified as observational, descriptive, transversal, prospective. The study population consisted of 156 patients with a mean age of 4.2 (± 2.1) minimum 3, maximum 5 The sex distribution was: female 50.6% (n = 79) and male 49.4% (n = 77). In Class I male failure occurred in 34% phonemes in P, B 26%, replacement in F 12% M 28%, 36% G, K 23% distortion in X 18%; in class II, T 15% , D 56%, 45% distortion in S, N 30%, and class III, 83% distortion D, L 86% according to the age where results showed that at 6, 11, 12 and 16 years, patients with Class III had severe problems with diction for the letters D and L.
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