2013, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (1)
Use of a mixed modality in the basic cycles of the medical career
Novales CXJ, Amato D
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 113-124
PDF size: 160.41 Kb.
In the semester 2010-1 we began working in a virtual
classroom, with 4 pilot groups. After exposition to work in the
virtual classroom of the platform "Consorcio Universitario Virtual
de Educación a Distancia" (CUVED) during the whole
semester, a survey was done to know the students' opinions
about their acceptance of this modality and their autoevaluation
of their learning. There were 134 subjects. Virtual
work was considered useful for their learning by 67%, and 62%
of the participant subjects liked it. The mean time devoted to
work in the virtual classroom was 4.7 hours/week. 69% of the
subjects owned a personal computer. There was a significant
correlation between the perception about the usefulness of the
mixed modality and the pleasure for working with it. There was
also a significant correlation between the perception of learning
and the pleasure for working with the modality, and between the
perception about the usefulness of the modality and the
perception of learning. The pleasure for working with the
modality, and the perception about its usefulness were not
influenced by the fact of owning a personal computer or having
access to Internet in their home. This strategy may be a
stimulus for the students to devote more time to studying. The
results encourage us to persist in the use of this modality in
future courses, and to continue researching the theme.
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