2013, Number 1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2013; 51 (1)
Sensitivity and specificity of a utility model of the detection of diabetic neuropathy
Mendoza-Romo MÁ, Ramírez-Arriola MC, Velasco-Chávez JF, Nieva-de Jesús RN, Rodríguez-Pérez CV, Valdez-Jiménez LÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 34-41
PDF size: 279.83 Kb.
Objective: to determine whether a utility model can be used with acceptable sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN).
Methods: cross sectional study, non-probability sampling, in 381 type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic foot risk. To determine the DPN, it was evaluated the protective sensation in 10 sites on the foot. It was a positive diagnosis if three or more points showed insensitivity at the touch of the skin with Semmes-Weinstein monofilament (SWM). Monofilament was compared to the utility model (MMU); the diagnostic methods of application were the same for both.
Results: mean age was 62 years, 11 years of development of DM, mean body mass index of 29 kg/m
2, average glucose 129 mg/dL (78-264 mg/dL). With sensitivity of 73.68 %, 97.67 % of specificity, positive predictive value 77.78 %, negative predictive value 97.10 %, the positive likelihood ratio was 31.59 and the negative likelihood ratio 0.27.
Conclusion: currently, diagnostic devices for tactile sensory loss are not readily available in our country; therefore, the results of this research will help to make the diagnosis of the MMU timely, inexpensive and easily accessible.
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