2002, Number 1
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Microbiología 2002; 44 (1)
Microbiological determinations of some vegetables from the Xochimilco zone in Mexico City, Mexico
García-Gómez R, Chávez-Espinosa J, Mejía-Chávez A, Durán-de-Bazúa C
Language: English
References: 19
Page: 24-30
PDF size: 92.11 Kb.
Vegetables intake is widely recommended because of its high content of vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, the irrigation of these vegetables, using wastewaters that have received inadequate treatment often carries unseen microbial pollution that becomes a high risk potential for humans. In the present research, two of the most consumed fresh vegetables cultivated in Mexico City were analyzed, lettuce (
Lactuca sativa) and Mexican coriander (
Eryngium foetidum). These vegetables are commonly consumed raw. The vegetable choice and the disinfection’s method were carried out by the application of two tests to two hundred people in an aleatory form. Similarly, vegetable sampling was carried out by means of a random sampling from the cultivated areas in a chosen “chinampa” (from Náhuatl or Aztec, chinamitl, bulrush or cattail stalks lattice for hydroponics cultivation). Vegetable samples were transferred, in dark plastic bags and in cool boxes at 4 ± 1.5ºC, to the laboratory. Microbiological analysis for
Salmonella typhi, mesophilic microorganisms, and fecal coliforms were done according to the “NOM-093SSA1-1994” (Mexico). Results obtained demonstrated that samples treated with the most preferred disinfectant, a colloidal silver based one, had a partial elimination of pathogenic microorganisms found in both vegetables lettuce (
Lactuca sativa) and coriander (
Eryngium foetidum) samples (mesophyllic microorganisms from 200,000 to 96,500 UFC/g and from 175,000 to 125,000 UFC/g and fecal coliforms from 75 to 0.43 NMP/g and from 150 to 2.10 NMP/g, respectively).
Salmonella typhi for all samples gave a positive result. Therefore, it was recommended to the cultivators of the Xochimilco (Náhuatl or Aztec name that means “place where flowers bloom”) zone, either stop using contaminated water for irrigation or to use more efficient methods in order to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, such as diluted chlorine solutions made with commercial cotton clothing bleachers.
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