2012, Number 4
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Enfermería Universitaria 2012; 9 (4)
Interventions Aimed to Lower/Avoid Sedentarism in Scholars
Flores MME, Ramírez EA
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 45-56
PDF size: 236.97 Kb.
Introduction: Physical inactivity is one of obesity’s factors, and this problem, which in the long term impairs health in general, is already found in infantile populations whose sedentary habits tend to persist through out adulthood.
Objective: to address publications on successful intervention programs in lowering or limiting sedentarism in scholars.
Methodology: a Medline and Redalyc database search was performed on the last five years using the key words sedentary, children, and physical inactivity. From 326 articles located, 35 were finally kept.
Results: there were several reasons to explain children’s inactivity including the life-style which their parents teach them, and the space or ambience in which they grow.
Conclusions: More attention should be given to scholars in their activities, nutrition, and time spent at home. It is necessary to generate good life habits which children will follow for the rest of their lives.
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