2012, Number 4
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Rev Invest Clin 2012; 64 (4)
Variations of vital signs and peripheral oxygen saturation in critically ill preterm newborn, after sponge bathing
Tapia-Rombo CA, Mendoza-Cortés U, Uscanga-Carrasco H, Sánchez-García L, Tena-Reyes D, López-Casillas EC
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 344-353
PDF size: 181.95 Kb.
Objective. To determine the variability of the vital signs
(temperature, heart rate and respiratory frequency), skin
coloration and peripheral oxygen saturation in critically ill
preterm newborns (CI PTNB) before, during and after
sponge bathing as well as to determine the possible presence
of secondary complications of this procedure.
Material and
methods. We performed a quasi-experimental study
(experimental, prospective, comparative and clinical study
with intervention) May to December 2008, in a Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit. We included CI PTNB of 0 to 28 days of
extrauterine life who have practiced in the routine sponge
bathing. Area of significance was considered when p ‹ 0.05.
Results. During or after the events in any of the patients
presented any complications after 12 h of monitoring, but it
was necessary to increase the inspired fraction of oxygen and
temperature in the incubator or radiant heat cradle
Conclusions. We conclude that the sponge bath
is not safe for a CI PTNB and this should be performed in
the shortest time possible, and the medical must be very alert
to the possibility that patients require more support than
they had prior to sponge bathing, mainly in the temperature of
the incubator or radiant heat cradle and inspired fraction
of oxygen for the required time according to the
evolution of these variables.
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