2013, Number 1
Sexual violence and psyquiatric medical legal expert
Language: Spanish
References: 22
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Introduction: violence or sexual abuse in childhood is a social problem that provokes negative effects not only in children and adolescents but also in the family and society. That is why it is necessary to recognize all aspects related to this in order to develop actions designed to its attention and prevention.Objetive: characterizing violence in children and adolescents who were attended on the doctor’s office of legal expert’s Psyquiatric reported in Paediatric Hospital in the Province of Holguin.
Methods: It was carried out a descriptive study conducted in the period among January 2006 and March 2009. The sample was made up of 175 patients and the information was obtained through interviews and legal expert conducted in the doctor’s visit.
Results: the 49.71 % of the children were between 10 and 14 years ages prevailing females in the 84.57 % as well as the urban origin in the 66.28 %. Concerning the family environment this was inadequate in 63.42 % of the children. The lascivious abuse was present in 67.42 % of the victims, being the 43.42 %of the perpetrators neighbours of them. The anxiety was present in the 75.42% of infant.
Conclusions: the ages between 10-14 years prevailed, most of them were from urban areas and had normal IQ. Inappropriate family behaviour was the most frequent. The predominant type of violence was the lascivious abuse. Most of the children and adolescents had some kind of psychological sequel. The majority of perpetrators were neighbours of the victims. The results allowed the design of a strategy for prevention and treatment of sexual violence in the territory.
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