2012, Number 3
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2012; 9 (3)
Hypnosis Application on a Paranoid Schizophrenia Case
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Language: Spanish
References: 17
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In the present paper are presented the results obtained through the application of hypnosis with post-hypnotic suggestions, imagery procedures, and metaphors to a 35 years old female patient diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. The patient debuted with psychiatric disorders at the age of 15 with a suicide attend due to the fact of listening voices that persecute her for killing her and since then she has gone into different health institutions several times. At the last admittance at “Joaquin Albarán” ward of the Psychiatric Hospital of Havana, different psychotic symptoms were found in the psychological assessment such as: hearing hallucinations, delirious ideas of hurting, and disorder of the corporal perception. Psychiatric treatment was based on antipsychotic medications and psychotherapeutical interventions with hypnosis. After two months of treatment the patient was discharged. In this case it was shown that hypnosis combined with biological therapy can be effective in the treatment of the patient suffering from schizophrenia.
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