2011, Number 2
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Evid Med Invest Salud 2011; 4 (2)
Neurological diseases in the Oaxacan Regional Specialist Hospital, México
Monroy-Guerrero J, Velásquez-Paz A, Cervantes-González J, García-Ramos P
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 48-53
PDF size: 165.21 Kb.
Introduction: Neurological diseases are a major cause of death and disability in the general population, besides
causing significant socioeconomic impact in the world. The study aimed to describe the main neurological
diseases treated at the Oaxacan Regional Specialist Hospital, as well as their distribution and behavior
between 2006 and 2010.
Material and methods: Retrospective and descriptive study. We reviewed the reasons for consulting the neurology
department recorded during February 2006 and December 2010. They use the International Classification
of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10). The variables analyzed were age, gender and neurological disease.
Results: We examinated a total of 1,676 consultations in the neurology service. Just five diseases accounted
for 63.7% (1,068) of all consultations; the first complaint of migraine was 20.9%, followed by 19.7% epilepsy,
cerebral vascular disease 14.1%, disorders of the cranial nerves with 4.3%, Parkinson disease with 2.6% and
Alzheimer's disease with 2.2%.
Discussion: Neurological diseases are an important cause of medical care at any age group in any gender in
our institution. Most of these are chronic diseases that cause a drain on healthcare resources.
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