2012, Number 4
Factors influencing the conversion of video laparoscopic cholecystectomy into traditional surgery
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 352-360
PDF size: 137.19 Kb.
Introduction: the conversion of video laparoscopic cholecystectomy to traditional surgery is influenced by various factors that may determine a longer period of hospitalization and disability for the patient.Objective: to determine the most influencing risk factors on the conversion of this surgical procedure.
Methods: Out of 2746 patients operated by video laparoscopic surgery, 46 needed to convert this operation in to the traditional surgery. The study was conducted at Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy Military Hospital in Matanzas, from February 2000 to June 2009. Medical records were reviewed to gather relevant data.
Results: among the most common preoperative diagnosis, acute cholecystitis and the urgent intervention were the major factors correlated with the need for conversion, with odds ratio of 29.639 and 22.977 respectively. Patients older than 75 years had higher risk of conversion than younger patients. The conversion risk was lower for male patients and for those with history of diseases affecting surgical risk. A history of abdominal surgery did not have any influence. 84.8 % of the patients needing to convert the operation had no complications.
Conclusions: patients with acute cholecystitis, and those needing urgent surgery have higher risk when laparoscopic operation have to be converted and completed with a laparotomy.
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