2013, Number 2
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Aten Fam 2013; 20 (2)
Evaluation of Knowledge about Short Stature in Pediatrics Residents
Pedraza-Flechas PV, Gutiérrez-Camacho C, Flores-Huerta S, García-Morales L, Medina-Bravo P
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 46-50
PDF size: 298.16 Kb.
Objective: evaluate the knowledge on diagnosis
and treatment of short stature acquired
during the medical residency of Pediatrics
and Endocrinology Pediatrics.
Material and
methods: comparative and cross-sectional study
with qualitative and quantitative methodology.
It was 20 residents (eight sophomores and
eight of the third-year Pediatrics Residency
as well as four of Pediatric Endocrinology)
and three focus groups were formed. There
were presented various clinical bullets of
short stature cases (two normal variants
and seven of short stature of pathological
origin). Each bullet had growth graphs
and five questions with multiple choice
answers that evaluated the diagnosis and
the treatment used.
Results: the average
rating of knowledge was 6.0. There was
no significant difference in the proportion
of correct answers of the three groups in
the bullets with normal variants (p≥0.05).
However, knowledge of pathological short
stature in terms of certain diagnostic and
therapeutic were greater in Pediatric Endocrinology
residents and in the second year
of Pediatrics residents than in the third-year
Pediatrics residents (p≤0.05).
this study showed the need to provide the
clinical services with all the necessary tools
to properly evaluate the growth of children.
It is suggested to re-evaluate the teaching
program of growth and development in the
Pediatrics residents.
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