2013, Number 1
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Gac Med Mex 2013; 149 (1)
A bibliometric review of infant feeding in Mexico
Medina-Mora PT, Salas VM
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 53-60
PDF size: 123.82 Kb.
Objective: a bibliometric analysis on published articles about infant feeding, in Mexican biomedical journals, during 2000-2009, is presented.
Methods: six journals, edited by public institutions or medical associations, published at least one article dealing with the selected theme. From a total of 3,077 articles published, only 2.5% were about infant feeding (78). Title, abstracts, frequency of keywords and institutional affiliation of main author of those articles were analyzed; the contents were classified in seven thematic nodes.
Results: the most frequent node was feeding model; breastfeeding appeared 10 times as key word; the authorial institutional affiliation followed Lotka’s Law. The results indicate a predominant univocal feeding model; the assumption on universality of mother-infant dyad; the focus on medical and clinical entities; and an absence about social agents involved in the feeding process.
Conclusion: hence, if the bibliometry elucidates the explicit knowledge and illustrates the current biomedical discourses, this analysis shows that the required knowledge for design and operation of public policies related to maternal and infant welfare, in Mexico, are still insufficient for fulfilling international public health recommendations.
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