2011, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2011; 14 (3)
The concept of love and emotional dependence of Merida Yucatan teenagers
Massa LJE, Pat EYM, Keb FRA, Canto SMV, Chan CN
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 176-193
PDF size: 264.46 Kb.
During adolescence different changes take place, such as establishing intimate relationships, especially romantic ones. The concept of love is constantly changing, diverse as the process of falling in love that occurs in different cultures. From the other side, during the process of changing during the adolescence the concept of love can be mistaken with the emotional dependence. Under this framework the objective was finding the main difference between the concepts of love and dependence the teenagers have, taking as variable age and sex. For the realization of this study, 215 students took part of it (100 males and 115 females), with an age range of 15 (
DE =1.49). The sample was divided in groups of ages from 13 to 15 (
n=113) years old and from 16 to 18 (
n=102) years old. The Natural Semantic Network (Valdez Medina, 1998) was applied in the participants, which contained the stimulus words “love” and “emotional dependence”. The results indicate that the group with most age presented a semantic network bigger that the group with less age in both concepts. The three first words used by the group of ages from 13 and 15 were “affection”, “happiness” and “respect” to define love. Teenagers between 16 and 18 used the words “trust”, “respect” and “affection” to define the construct love. From the other side, teenagers from 13 and 15 used the words “obsession”, “love” and “affection” when referring to emotional dependence. The teenagers between 16 and 18 used the words “love”, “obsession” and “trust” to define emotional dependence. Women gave the words affection, respect and trust in their semantic network of love, so as the words obsession, love, and respect in their semantic network of emotional dependence. The men used affection, respect and happiness to define love; from the other side they used love, obsession and trust for emotional dependence. The results are discussed in relation to the individual characteristics that Caycedo (2007) points out regarding the difference of teenagers in what respects to sex, so as the investigation of Leal (2007) about the differences regarding the age.
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