2012, Number 2
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Rev Med MD 2012; 3.4 (2)
Prevalence of premature babies at visual risk and type 1 retinopathy of prematurity in the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara
Zepeda-Romero LC, Aguirre-Jáuregui Ó, Angulo-Castellanos E, Gómez-Ruiz LM, Meza-Anguiano A, Quezada-Chalita A, Gutiérrez-Padilla JA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 63-67
PDF size: 2519.92 Kb.
The retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is the main cause of child blindness in Latin America. In Mexico there are few epidemiologic data,
however, it has been reported a prevalence of ROP type 1 from 6.1% to 15% on premature newborns. In Guadalajara, it is the cause of 35% of
the admittances to schools for the blind.
Material and methods:
Longitudinal prospective study, in which are reported 6 years of experience of the ROP detection and treatment program by the Organismo
Publico Descentralizado (O.P.D.) Civil Hospital of Guadalajara.
During the period of 2004-2010 were found 12.3% premature births, and from this number 21.1% were admitted to the protocol of ROP
detection and treatment. From which, 15% were diagnosed with type 1 ROP and intervened with laser, achieving an anatomic success of 92%
of the cases. These results are compared with other Mexican reports and the causes of current epidemics discussed.
The premature patient in their first weeks of life is the individual with the most risk of irreversible blindness. Every premature patient at risk
must have access to the timely detection of ROP.
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Manejo de la Retinopatía del Recién Nacido Prematuro, Lineamiento Técnico, Secretaría de Salud, Centro Nacional de equidad de género y salud reproductiva, 2010. ISBN-978-970-721-441-5