2012, Number 1
Histological prognostic factors in squamous cell carcinoma of lip
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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A retrospective descriptive study was conducted in 64 patients operated for squamous cell carcinoma of lip at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Arnaldo Milian Castro Provincial University Hospital in Santa Clara, Villa Clara, from 1998 to 2005, and who were followed until August 2010. The purpose of the study was to describe the behavior of the association between some histological prognostic factors and the evolution. The information was obtained by the method of survey, through the review of the biopsy ballot application, the corresponding pathology report, the clinical history and the paraffin block of tumor specimen. There were recurrences in 9.4% of cases, and 15.6% had metastasis; 66.7% of patients with tumors 10 mm or more in depth had metastasis. It is concluded that there is a predominance of patients without recurrence or metastasis in their evolution. The peritumoral inflammation acts as a protective factor in metastasis. Tumor depth was the prognostic factor more strongly associated with recurrence and metastasis, when compared to other factors. It is recommended to include in the pathology report the histological factors that have higher influence in the evolution of the patients in this study.REFERENCES
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