2012, Number 6
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Salud Mental 2012; 35 (6)
Valoración subjetiva de los sucesos de vida estresantes en dos grupos de adolescentes de zonas marginadas
Barcelata EBE, Durán PC, Gómez-Maqueo EL
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 513-520
PDF size: 112.12 Kb.
Resilience implies adaptation to significant stressful situations. The
low-income or economic hardship is considered as a risk factor associated
with stressful life events. A life event is any experience capable
of producing stress and can therefore become a stressor depending
of individual subjective assessment. The purpose of this study was to
analyze the subjective assessment of stressful life events in adolescents
from the eastern neighboring area of Mexico City, which is deemed
as a socioeconomically vulnerable area because of its high poverty
and low development rates. Participants were 638 male and female
adolescents aged 13 to 18 from two non-probabilistic samples from
public education and mental health institutions. A socio-demographic
file and the Life Event Questionnaire were applied. T values show
statistical differences between school and clinical samples in all socio-
demographic variables and also in all areas of life events. The
family, behavior problems, personal and school areas are the ones
where a greater number of stressful life events are perceived in both
samples, even though school sample scores are within the normal
range, whereas the clinical sample scores are marginal and out of
the normal range. The MANOVA showed significantly effects by sex
but not by age on the perception of life events, and there was only an
interaction of sex and age in health. In the clinical sample, the older
adolescent showed higher scores in stressful life events. The findings
are consistent with previous reports that point to a greater number
of stressful life events in clinical groups and economic hardship. No
significant differences were found in the perception of stressful events
concerning age. These results may be useful in designing intervention
models with adolescents aimed at changing perceptions and the way
they cope with adverse life events, in order to strengthen resilience in
low-income and psycho-social risk contexts.
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