2012, Number 4
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2012; 57 (4)
IV degree vaginal vault prolapse in hysterectomized patient: case report
Cherem CB, Hernández BJC, Contreras RA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 332-338
PDF size: 81.39 Kb.
Multiple mechanisms have been proposed to contribute to the development of organ prolapse, short of a full explanation of the origin and history. Both aging and multiple parity are the major risk factors for its development. The changes in the lifestyle of the modern woman, socioeconomic status, education level, changes the course of parity so now comes in lower percentage this problem. We report the clinical case of a woman of 77 years with grade IV prolapse of the vaginal vault, history of abdominal hysterectomy forty years ago, 4 pregnancies and 4 vaginal births. Colpocleisis surgery is performed with proper postoperative course and now has a good quality of life. The pelvic static disorders have occurred throughout history should make a proper assessment, when necessary and appropriate to provide appropriate treatment to the patient’s needs and grant a normal quality of life.
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