2012, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2012; 84 (4)
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the congenital and infantile cataract
Charón MM, Triana CI, Díaz GJL, Martínez LZ, Roche CS
Language: Spanish
References: 29
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Introduction: cataract of any etiology is one of the most important causes of treatable blindness in children.
Objectives: to clinically and epidemiologically characterize the congenital and infantile cataract.
Methods: a retrospective, observational and descriptive study was carried out in "William Soler" pediatric hospital from January 2004 to June 2006. The following variables were analyzed; age, sex, origin, way of detection, symptoms, risk factors, location, likely etiology and laterality of cataract, associated eye disturbances and post-surgical vision. The results were given as means and percentages.
Results: the average age was 4.9 years, but for those children under one year old, it was 6.6 months. Males (60.25 %), patients from La Habana province (25.4 %), medical referral as the way of detection (71.43 %), leukocoria (30.15 %), multiple congenital anomalies (34.92 %), central location of cataract (44.44 %), the idiopathic cause (41.27 %) and bilateral cataract (66.67 %) were all predominant. Another kind of associated ocular anomaly was found in 34.92 % of patients whereas 59.04 % of operated eyes reached 0.7-1.0 vision.
Conclusions: in the analyzed series, under 2 months children, males, patients from La Habana province, medical referral, leukocoria and associated multiple congenital anomalies, the central location of cataract were prevalent; the possible etiology of bilateral cataract was hereditary origin whereas the cause of unilateral cataract was unknown. The post-surgical visual improvement was greater as the patient's age was younger at the time of surgery.
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