2012, Number 5
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Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2012; 69 (5)
Coping strategies and their relation with depression and anxiety in pediatric residents in a third level pediatric hospital
Sepúlveda VAC, Romero GAL, Jaramillo VL
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 347-354
PDF size: 207.10 Kb.
Background. Depression and anxiety are common among medical residents. Coping strategies are cognitive and conductual efforts in
order to manage stress and specific individual demands. The use of active strategies has been associated with a lower frequency of anxiety
and depression. Our objective was to determine if there is an association between depression and anxiety and the coping strategies used
by medical residents.
Methods. Previous consent, Beck anxiety and depression inventory and coping strategies inventory were completed. Data were analyzed
using χ
2 test.
Results. A total of 112 residents were included. Depressive symptoms were identified in 39.6% and anxiety in 25.6%, with coexistence of
both symptoms in 21.4%. Anxiety was associated with the type and year of residence. Two of the passive subscales of coping strategies
were associated with depression and three with anxiety.
Conclusions. Depressive and anxiety symptoms are frequent among medical residents. Mixed coping strategies are most commonly
used. Passive coping strategies are associated with depression and anxiety.
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