2012, Number 4
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Med Crit 2012; 26 (4)
1st place Winner to Prize «Dr. Mario Shapiro»
Thoracic bioimpedance hemodynamic moitoring in patients with severe preeclampsia
Briones GJC, Castro NJ, Díaz LPMA, Briones VCG
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 201-208
PDF size: 348.60 Kb.
Introduction: The event of obstetrical care, can display serious such as pre-eclampsia, or complicated shapes as well as acute obstetric hemorrhage, the multidisciplinary approach is recommended with monitoring or surveillance of the hemodynamic status with thoracic bioimpedance.
Objective: Show the procedure and technique with the use of the bioimpedance and characterize the hemodynamic profile in patients with severe pre-eclampsia.
Material and methods: Study pilot of women admitted to the intensive care unit of Gynecology and obstetrics of the Mexico General Hospital with pre-eclampsia, as well as patients without pathology prior or concomitant, under informed consent agreed to participate in the study, measurements were made of hemodynamic variables as non-invasive using bioimpedance model BeneView T5 Mindray brand through four bimodal devices, two located on each side of the neck and two on the side and bottom face of the chest, the collected information analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: Observed profile is characterized by hypertension with elevated vascular resistance and low cardiac output, showing a significant difference after medical treatment.
Conclusions: Thoracic bioimpedance enables to guide therapeutic targets in patients with preeclampsia.
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